Five Actionable Tips to Get First Customers on Your Shopify Store
So, you’ve built your dream Shopify store. Now what? Your new Shopify store is like you alone in a park - cricket noises everywhere. Let’s talk about how you can fix that. Here are our 5 actionable tips to get first customers in your Shopify store.
Time is everything in business!
This is the most vague heading you’ve ever read. Let me tell you what we mean by it. A lot of startups sit idle when they begin because they have nothing to do (apparently) until the customers arrive. But this is a great opportunity to figure out your marketing plan, build your sales funnels, shape your recruitment and customer retention strategies and what not. If you are at this point in your business, you’ve found the right blog because Canvify is all about saving time by creating your Shopify landing pages right from Canva.
5 Ways to Get First Customers on Your Shopify Store
We have sorted the 5 methods by the level of priority you should give to each action. Although all of them are important to implement, there are some things you need to do first so other ways can utilize it and yield better results (for example: you can’t sell a house without a map).
Focus on SEO
Find good keywords according to your niche. You might fear SEO but this is easier than you think. Nobody knows your niche and audience better than you do. Watch a Youtube video and just get started. You will figure out what people are searching for and what you can offer. Searching for keywords gives you so many good ideas for content as well.
When you have found your high volume & low competition keywords, put them on your Shopify store where you naturally can. Incorporate them in sarcastic headlines or product descriptions.
Build Up some Social Presence
Now that your store is ranking better than it was earlier, it’s time to set up some social presence. Find some Canva templates, edit them and put up some content on social media. Utilize keywords you found in your SEO research as well. If a potential customer does end up searching you on social media, you should have some consistent regular uploading to build trust.
Never underestimate Linkedin and Twitter. Talk about your Store/Product/Tools on these platforms. Again, utilize your keywords list to make sure your content ranks and is shown to relevant people.
Allocate a Marketing Budget
It’s time to leverage the effort done in the first 2 steps. Experiment with social media and search engine marketing (SMM and SEM). You can hire a digital marketer if you have the budget. Otherwise, watch a video on Youtube. Use keywords you found in step #1 and run some targeted ads to see what demographic of people is interested in your content.
This is your chance to make your first sales!
When you run social media ad campaigns, a lot of interested prospects will visit your profile to learn more. You would thank yourself for posting content consistently at this point.
Collaborate with Influencers
If paid ads are yielding good results, you can skip this part. If paid ads are slow, this is the second paid experiment you need to do. Find good influencers with decent engagement rates on their content. Pay them to promote your store and highlight your USPs.
Remember, 1 insanely good influencer is far better than 5-10 average influencers.😉
Offer Useful Resources For Free
Have you ever heard of a lead magnet? It’s something you give for free to people in exchange for their contact information so you can send them mails later on and convert them into customers.
If you are in an industry where you can give useful information to people (e-books, guides, handbooks, videos, courses, coupons etc), do it for free and build a positive reputation.
Later on, send them marketing emails or contact them directly to politely ask if they are interested in trying your products.
Useful tip: You can also run paid social media campaigns around offering free resources rather than promoting your product so that you can have higher conversion rate and more leads to reach out to later on.
As we said, do everything step by step. Build foundations and then take some bolder decisions. Always journal everything so you can come back to it later on and re-adjust your strategies. We recommend using Notion to manage your To-do list and content ideas dashboard all in one place.
We can’t wait for you to get your first Shopify customers using your 5 actionable strategies and if you do, let us now!